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Our philosophy is simpleyour app should just work
Since 2015, App & Flow has been building scalable, high-quality apps for YC-backed startups, established businesses and everything in between.
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Founder, President
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Vincent de LafontaineGithub
Lead Developer, Architect
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Emanuel QuimperGithub
Senior Full-Stack Developer, Teacher
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Matija MarticGithub
Senior Full-Stack Developer
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Paul-Étienne CourvilleGithub
Senior Full-Stack Developer
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Marjorie MailléGithub
Full-Stack Developer
Our storyApp & Flow was founded in 2015 as a Montreal-based development team for hire. Shortly after, Facebook open-sourced React Native, and we've been building apps with it ever since. Then as now, we run our business according to two values: no stupid rules and treat clients the way we want to be treated.
We're a close-knit team of developers, non-comformists and old friends based in Montreal.
All Rights Reserved. © 2015-2024